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Karimun Jawa, The Lost Paradise Island

hi guys, comeback again with my another trip. and now we go to Karimun Jawa.
where is Karimun Jawa? karimun jawa is located north from jepara.
you can go to karimun jawa from jepara or semarang. from semarang you can use boat for 3 hours, and from jepara you can take boat for almost 5 hours. boat from jepara is much more cheap than from semarang, because boat in jepara is public boat. so it's cheap.

this trip actually only spent 3 days, so if you're in jakarta, you can go at friday night and go back at monday night. and it's cheap too, if you use local guide, they will arrange everything to you, and it only cost arround 450 k 3 days 2 night. without ticket train and shuttle car to jepara.

okay and here we go, Karimun jawaa I'm Coming!!

day 1

to go to karimun jawa, we choose to go from jepara. it's because we have 2 teams. one team is from UI, ITB and UGM. and the second team is from Unair. so we choose jepara because it's centre for both groups.

and then we, group 1. spent one night in semarang. travelling and culinary tourism. just go arround, sightseeing, eat. feels free like we always young forever hahaha I love the moment like this.

Tahu gimbal

day 2

This is the time to go to karimun jawa. we use shuttle car from semarang, we departed at 3 am. it's still dark when we go, because the ticket office for public boat is open at 5 am. so we must to hurry, in the morning, it only spent 1,5 hours from semarang to karimun jawa.

here we are, jepara. so we immediately to go to jepara's port. and OMG is so crowded here. because it's peak season, so many people gather here. let me give you some advice how to get the ticket:

1. queued from early morning. and dont move even if 1 inch!! or anyone else will take your spot
2. when the ticket office open at 7am, the situation will go wild. because so many people want to go there and the boat is not big enough to take all of us. SPARTAAAA!! "Never retreat, Never surrender". Kick and punch every guys in front of you (remember, this is only in peak season, if it's not peak season, the police will arrest you). do anything you can, because if you don't get the ticket. you must spend one night in jepara, public boat only operate one times in one day.

and after you get the ticket, you'll go on board to the jepara. here we go Karimun Jawa!!

Public boat. comfort enough

Welcome to karimun jawa

Asia next top model!!

Perfect :)

RIP tegar, we always pray for you...

Day 3

Snorkelling timee uhyeeaaah, this is the best part from karimun jawa. Karimun jawa have the best snorkelling spot, maybe on of the best in java island. karjaw have many coral reefs population, and the water is so clear. so you can enjoy the coral reefs and lots of colorfull fish down there :D


Let's swiiiiimmmmmmm

Take a good rest at gosong island

Cheeeese :)

looks delicious hahaha

When we take a rest for lunch, we go to kura-kura resort. this is the most expensive resort in karimun jawa. the cheapest room in kura-kura resort is about 1000k/night -__-". but if you don't have any financial problem, you must stay in this resorrt. this place is very very beautifull, you have your own beach and mini island. feels like a king in your own kingdom :p an they have own helicopter and jet for take their customer from semarang, most of their customer is foreigner. My aunt is a manager in kura-kura resort, and then she give all of us free lunch in kura-kura resort, hell yeaaaah :D

Me and my cousin

Kura-kura resort

Kura-kura resort

Kura-kura resort

Kura-kura resort

Kura-kura resort

Kura-kura resort

Aditya "Jack" Prabowo

Trio macan

Let's eaaaaat

and don't forget to enjoy the sunset. I love sunset :)

Sunset, beatifull as always

day 4

time to go back home, come to reality, come back to college :(
thank you karimun jawa, a very beatifull place to enjoy your weekend. and the memories go for life :D


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