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A journey to the east

Hi this is my second post in red-haired pirates blog.
this is about my alone travelling to lombok last month.
okaay, lets begin :D

Trip preparation

okay, because this is is my first backpacking and I'm alone. so I need to set up everything's perfect. I started with carrier. I bring clothes, jeans, and anything in my carrier. Y no carrier? carrier means "mountain bag" hahaha. why I use carrier and not regular bag? it's because carrier have a good back system. that's mean it feels comfort at your back, and the weight feels more lightly than regular bag.

and then I bring camera bag and inside that I have my DSLR canon 400 D. It's oldschool right? but that's fine for me. don't forget. "the important things is a man behind the gun" and I bring 50 mm lens too.

and last, I bring little bag. it's for me to save ticket, medicine and ipod. so if I want to take one of this thing, I don't have to open the carrier. Simple isn't it?

total weight for my three bags is 10 kg. heavy? of course not, it's because my carrier have a good back system. so it feels fit in my back. and 10 kg is average for light traveling

10 kg? bring it on!!

 Day 1

I wake up in the morning, and my flight at 9 am, from palembang-jakarta-lombok. long trip uhyeaah, it's about six hours in the sky. feels bored at the plane, but that's what my ipod used for. Depapepe playlist + steve job biography by Walter Isaacson (thak's to laras sandra for the books) is a good combination I think.

And welcome me!! Bandara International Lombok (BIL). it's a good airport I think, better than SMB II in palembang. and as planned before, I want to go to senggigi beach at the first destination lombok. at first time, I confuse how to go to senggigi beach from BIL it's because BIL is far away from the centre of lombok, so there are not many public transportation here. when I see around and confuse, taxi driver come to me and offer to accompany me to go to senggigi beach. and you know how much he asked for the taxi? 300 k, GOSH!! and then I say, NO!! *I scream actually hahaha. I choose to walk and die trying than using 300 k taxi!!

And then I walk around airport and see, damri ticket office. God you save my 300 k, thank you :) and it only cost 25 k to go to senggigi beach, it takes 2 hours until finally arrive in senggigi beach. it's dark now, so I just search for cheap inn. My inn cost 100 k exclude breakfast. and then I search for dinner, yeah alone walking around senggigi beach to find cheap restaurant. finally I find "warteg" in lombok, because chef recomendation, I order nasi campur. Slightly diffrent with java's nasi campur. but it's delicious :)

because I'm to tired flied six hours, I go back to the inn and sleep. can't wait for tomorrow.

Day 2

I wake up at 5 am, coz I wanna see sunrise in senggigi beach. but poor me, senggigi does not have sunrise, it only have sunset because senggigi beach position is in west lombok. but the view at the beach in the morning is quite good, and here some pictures in senggigi beach at 5 am.

the fisherman go back to the beach
no one here, just me and the beach

after taking some pictures and walking around the beach,. I go back to the inn to get some breakfast. and then I ask the inn keeper how to go to the gili trawangan. they're suggest me to go by shuttle car. I reserve the shuttle from inn, just 75 k and the inn keeper take me to shuttle station. and lucky me, I don't have to wait, because I'm the last man who take this shuttle. when I get inn, I was surprised. because I'm the only one Indonesian people here in this car, exclude the driver off course. So I just feel like foreigner in my homeland. amd feel sad too, because why Indonesian people prefer to traveling to go to singapore rather than to the beatifull place like this?? 2 hours and I finally arrive to bangsal port. after that, I pay nothing to gili trawangan, because shuttle price 75 k is include with boat. 45 minutes and here we go gili trawangan!!

Welcome, gili trawangan :D

uhh yeaaah, it's a really really beautifull beach. and then I started to find cheap inn. an advice from me, if you want to find the cheap inn, go to the left of the island, left from the port. the price is below 100 k/night. and you can rent a bicycle for 50 k/day.

day 2 is full with travelling around the island with bicycle, it need two hour to completely around the gili island.and then I swimming in the beach, tanning *wtf, I'm black already, and at the sunset I go to the sunset point. poor me, three days I'm here, it's always cloudy here, so I can't see the sunset -__-

Sunset at Gili trawangan

Day 3

Snorkelling Timee!!!
uhh yeah, after breakfast. I go to the port to snorkelling. it only cost 100 k and you'll go to 4 snorkelling spot to snorkelling around rhe gili trawangan, air and meno island. here's some picture

snorkelling boat

Glass bottom boat, you can see fish from here

Day 4

My money is go to the limit, so I don't do anything special, just me, ipod, books and the beach all day long :D
no more stories, here some picture from day 4 :D
Beatifull :D

this my spot to read book and enjoy the beach all day long

sunset point

always love sunset, some friends call me "sunset hunter"

kid, you're so adorable

sunset cafe. enjoy drink while seeing sunset. what else we want in this world?

Let's build sand castle!!

Talk about future like we had a clue. never planning one day, I'll be losing you

no sun :(

day 4

go back to bangsal port, because tomorrow I must go back to palembang. so I can't take the risk to stay in gili trawangan one more day. thank you gili trawangan, and the memories goes for life :D

back to senggigi beach, just pay the same price, 75 k. go to the senggigi beach, at first I want to try surfing and rent a surfing board, but there's no time because it start to dark here. maybe next time I'll try to learn surfing. that's a promise to myself. and just enjoy the sunset here. beatifull, not like in gili trawangan, here so many people gather to see the sunset. poor for me again, it's still cloudy so I can't see the sunset again :(

no more words, here some picture from senggigi beach

don't forget to buy some souvenir here. lombok's pearl is so famous and beautifull

art market

you can negotiate about the price, no fix price here

senggigi beach

senggigi beach 2

Surfing spot

Mountain and beach, Great combination :D

ahh I want to swim everyday ><

Day 5

Time to go back home, goodbye lombok, goodbye gili trawangan. a very good memories here, a very nice trip. thank you, someday I'll be back here. Promise :)


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